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CNPV Expands Opportunities for South America

published: 2012-07-11 14:52

CNPV Solar Power SA, a public limited liability company organized under the laws of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and a leading integrated manufacturer of solar photovoltaic products, today confirmed the highest approval of Brazil's National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology (Inmetro) certification for their photovoltaic (PV) systems, and that Donauer Solar do Brasil Ltda. will represent CNPV premium quality modules distribution in this region, allowing for further market penetration into South America.

Inmetro was created in December 1973 to support Brazilian enterprises by increasing their productivity and improving the quality of goods and services. In 2002, Inmetro created a specialized group for evaluating solar PV systems and has developed stringent standards for appraising all elements of the solar PV end user chain. Products on Inmetro's approved list are certified on a scale of A through E for their quality, technical competence and energy efficiency. Very few submitted products are able to attain the "A" rating.

The CNPV-Donauer strategic partnership is capable of delivering impressive penetration into highly competitive markets. For the Brazilian arena, the tactical approach of delivering the specialized skills of both Companies ensures that end users participate in ongoing, uninterrupted, major solar power harvesting.

"The high potential of the South American market is a big draw for any participant within the solar PV industry," explained Mr. Donauer, CEO of Donauer Solartechnik. "We are sure, and willing to demonstrate in detail, that the Donauer-CNPV alliance extends greater benefit to end users and investors. The Inmetro certification is one step in the process of confirming the superiority of the offering, with the modules attaining the coveted "A" class rating without problems. Additionally, we can clearly show that CNPV's extended solar power harvesting capability, combined with our own accrued and inherent skills make the real positive difference to a project's profitability."

Mr Bypina Veerraju Chaudary, CNPV's COO&CTO expanded the topic: "The South American market is indeed a high priority as the key participants develop their requirements. Ensuring customer satisfaction controls our actions, and establishing a class "A" rating for our products from Inmetro is a contributing factor to our customers' long-term profitability. We are excited to be a part of the emergent South American market, and eagerly anticipate the new local techno-commercial conditions upon which we thrive. With Donauer's proficient team ensuring trouble-free conversion and installation, and our own approved "A" modules delivering more for longer, our customers can enjoy proven performance that is unsurpassed within this market."

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