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RES Submits Application for Solwaybank Wind Farm

published: 2011-11-16 15:42

RES has submitted a planning application to Dumfries and Galloway Council for Solwaybank Wind Farm located south of the B7068 between Langholm and Lockerbie. The wind farm has an approximatecapacity of 30MW and, if approved, is likely to generate electricity equivalent to the average demand of morethan 17,000 households - or approximately 25% of the households in Dumfries and Galloway.

Ruth Elder, Project Manager for Solwaybank Wind Farm, commented:"RES first submitted anapplication for Solwaybank Wind Farm in 2009 and following feedback from statutory consultees and thelocal community on how the project would affect the landscape, we decided to withdraw the application inorder to redesign the site. We have taken on board the comments and we are now proposing a reduced 15turbine layout at Solwaybank with a maximum height to tip of 126.5m."

RES has undertaken a comprehensive consultation process with the local communities and has created aCommunity Liaison Group with representatives from 11 community councils and members of the public to actas a forum to discuss the proposal. RES consulted the local community through a variety of methodsincluding:

  • Meeting with residents and representatives from the community councils;
  • A newsletter and invitation to the public exhibitions distributed to over 8,800 houses and businesseswithin 11 community council areas surrounding the wind farm;
  • Public exhibitions that were held in June and July, enabling residents to fill in questionnaires, askquestions and leave comments;
  • Formation of a Community Liaison Group;
  • A dedicated project website www.solwaybank-windfarm.co.uk;
  • Telephone survey of local residents.

Ruth commented:"We have sought the views of local residents through questionnaires at the publicexhibitions and a telephone survey conducted by independent market research company, Populus. Theresults from the telephone survey showed that 65% of residents support the proposal and 25% oppose."

RES is proposing a community fund of approximately £60,000 per year and there will also be opportunitiesfor local contractors during the construction period as RES has a policy of sourcing goods and serviceslocally wherever possible.

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