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DelSolar Supplies Modules to U.S. Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton Evidencing ARRA Compliance

published: 2011-09-22 17:37

DelSolar USA, a subsidiary of DelSolar Co. Ltd., supplies 574 kW solar modules to a PV project for U.S. Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, located on the Southern Californian coast in San Diego County.

The solar system installed at Camp Pendleton was built by Rosendin Electric utilizing 2,382 pieces of DelSolar’s D6P230A3E multi-crystalline 230Wp PV modules.  The Buy American provision in Section 1605 of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act(ARRA) requires that all the iron, steel, and manufactured goods used are produced in the United States unless any of three listed exceptions(nonavailability, unreasonable cost, and inconsistency with the public interest) applies.  As evidenced by this supply, DelSolar is able to provide modules conforming to Section 1605 of the ARRA in the North American Market.

Dr. R.C. Liang, Chairman and CEO of DelSolar, stated: “This is a significant step for DelSolar in the North American Market as it has demonstrated that DelSolar’s PV modules have the highest level of quality that meets the tough standard and technical specifications of the U.S. Marine Corps. It has also shown that PV modules produced by DelSolar are ARRA compliant that qualified US customers can readily enjoy the benefits of the ARRA with DelSolar’s PV modules.”

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