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Explore Brightest Products at PV Taiwan 2011

published: 2011-09-01 14:29

Taiwan, a leading maker of PV cells, is about to turn on one of the hottest shows under the sun! It targets global interest in alternate energy by bridging the market with the latest systems and tech that will inspire a fresh wave of change across the industry.

For everyone who dreams of harnessing the sun, this is the show! PV Taiwan is specially positioned between East and West to open the big picture on every facet of the industry across a venue packed with feature areas on PV Cells / Modules / Systems Pavilion, HCPV Pavilion, DSSC Pavilion, Academic Poster Section and New Products & Solutions Outlook.

The vast Oct. 5-7 event, Asia’s foremost PV show, is organized by TAITRA and SEMI, at the TWTC. To guarantee success, it runs in sync with the PV Taiwan 2011 International Forum that features 20 international speakers who share insider information on the latest market and technology trends.

Soaring interest in the sun has pushed these events to a record scale of 280 companies who are using 820+ booths.

Register for PV Taiwan 2011 before Sep. 9th to win

iPad2 and free coupons:www.pvtaiwan.com

Explore PV Taiwan 2011 Technologies Pavilion

Grasp hottest market trends at the PV Cells/Modules/Systems Pavilion

Global PV installations will reach 21.2GW in 2011, an increase of 21%, compared to global installations of 17.6GW in 2010 reports IHS iSuppli. They add that 2nd half trends are upbeat with no major price declines expected for the rest of 2011.

PV Taiwan 2011 “PV Cells / Modules / System Pavilion" joins more than 80 domestic and global firms, including MOTECH, Gintech, Neo Solar Power, Win Win, RITEK, AURIA, Marketech and SIEMENS at a single consolidated venue.

HCPV Pavilion showcases the latest HCPV tech  

HCPV (High Concentrated Photovoltaic) offers numerous advantages including less consumption of battery materials, lower costs and higher efficiency in generating electricity. HCPV market capacity for 2011, projects Amonix, will reach 60MW.

And the “HCPV Pavilion” brings it all together with such key makers as All Real Technology, Everphoton, Green Source Technology, Huang Yih Gear Technology, MH Solar, M-Com, NEO-OPTIC, Probright Technology and TaiCrystal. It’s here where Taiwan joins its most advanced HCPV tech and modules to open the perfect platform for HCPV partnerships.

Meet me at the Forum

Many in the know will be waiting for you at Forum (the PV Taiwan 2011 International Forum-Advanced Technologies Forum). Meet such pros as Mr. Andréas von Kaenel, CEO of PASAN,Dr. Aziz Shaikh, Global Technology Director of Ferro, Eric Chen, CEO and President of Everphoton, Dr. Mikio Taguchi from Sanyo,Dr. Reiner Benz, Head of Product Marketing of Oerlikon Solar and many other industry experts.

Register by Sept15 for discounted entry!

Preview next-generation materials and applications at the DSSC Pavilion.

The DSSC (Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell) ushers in a full list of distinct advantages over other photovoltaic solar technologies including higher power output and lower cost under high volume manufacturing. DSSC can be made in different colors and opacities, further expanding its potential applications. Fuji Chimera Research Institute estimates that DSSC market will reach 235MW with US$200 million revenue by 2014.

To showcase the latest DSSC tech, PV Taiwan 2011 “DSSC Pavilion joins such stars as Etemal Chemical, Everlight, FHR ANLAGENBAU GMBH, ITRI, KING DESIGN, Taiwan DSC PV Corp. Jintex GroupFurther and many more. Exhibitors such as Everlight and Eternal Group present the latest DSSC applications and technology innovations at New Products & Solutions Outlook session.

About PV Taiwan

PV Taiwan is the most significant PV event in Asia. By combining a key forum and exhibition, it opens a one-stop-sourcing and learning platform for the global PV industry to platform the latest trends, tech, partners and to encourage the procurement of high-quality PV products.

Get the details, click: www.pvtaiwan.com

v      Show Dates and Hours:Oct. 5 – 7, 2011 (Daily 9 AM to 5 PM)

v      Venue: Exhibition: TWTC / Forum: TICC

v      Organizers: TAITRA, SEMI

Media Contacts:

Karen Lo


Tel: (03)573-3399 Ext. 218

E-Mail: klo@semi.org

Amy Chang


Tel: (02) 2725-5200 Ext. 2693

E-Mail: amychang@traitra.org.tw

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