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Intertek Launches Carbon Off-Set Programme for Clients

published: 2010-07-06 15:21

Intertek, the leading international provider of quality and safety services, today launched a programme to offer its clients carbon-offsets for its auditing services in China. It is the start of a staged global roll-out by the company to enable its clients to measure and offset the carbon dioxide (CO2) generated through their use of Intertek's global services.

Multinational companies are increasingly trying to quantify their total CO2 footprint across their complex global supply chains and create effective emissions reduction off-set programmes. Measuring the footprint of their multiple suppliers and service providers around the world is one of the more difficult areas within this.

Intertek Group CEO Wolfhart Hauser explained the Group's strategy behind the new programme: "Our aim is to make it easier for our clients to meet their environmental goals when using Intertek. Now we will provide a report and certificate showing the emissions generated through our auditing work and give them an immediate option to offset those. As the only major global testing, inspection and certification company to offer carbon offsets for our services, we think it is an innovation that our clients will find value in".

Intertek will roll the programme out progressively worldwide across all of its service lines The programme measures all direct and indirect energy sources used in servicing the client including the travel and transport, energy and accommodation used by Intertek. Clients anywhere in the world that are using Intertek auditing services in China can now register for the offset programme at www.intertek.com/carbon-offset. Clients interested in future off-setting on other Intertek service lines and countries can also register their interest now.

Intertek's programme applies internationally recognised standards for emissions modelling, calculations and reporting, has been verified by a third party and will have independent ISO peer review. Clients will receive a certificate stating their offset net emissions, monetary value and offset project summary. Intertek is using Eco Securities-Climate Care to provide the monetization and portfolio of offset projects. These will have renewable energy, biomass, methane power generation and agriculture scope and are high quality projects that meet global standards, including UN CDM, VCS, CAR and Gold Standard*.


*The United Nation's UN Clean Development Mechanism (UN CDM), the Voluntary Carbon Standard (VCS), Climate Action Reserve (CAR) and Gold Standard are among the main international standards used to measure and certify the veracity of carbon-offset generating projects world wide.

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