The market share for mono-si products has been catching up with the relatively more popular multi-si products in recent years, thanks to the growing maturity of the former technology’s supply chain. In the first three quarters of ...  more
Obscured policies in Taiwan’s FIT scheme to impact on sustainable development of local solar supply chain |
published: 2018-12-17 10:22 |
The Taiwanese Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) has announced a 10.17% decrease to next year’s feed-in tariff (FIT) rates for solar PV installations, which is much higher than the average decrease of 4.25% in the global PV industry. This will make 2019 a tough year for Taiwan’s PV industry, with wider-than-expected impacts on the whole market. ...  more
Capacity of Offshore Wind Power in Asia Pacific to Reach 43GW in 2027, Says Report |
published: 2018-11-13 14:42 |
The progress in the development of offshore wind power has been slower compared with the progress in the development of land-based wind power. ...  more
China’s PV Capacity Expected to Exceed 250 GW by 2020 with Continued Subsidy |
published: 2018-11-09 15:06 |
Despite the rollout of the “531 New Policy,” China's new grid-connected PV capacities still topped 10.2 GW in Q3, beating expectations. During a seminar on PV power development on November 2nd, an official of the N...  more
Digital Energy Solutions Are Key to Continuous Survival of PV Inverter Suppliers |
published: 2018-10-18 13:28 |
The maturation of the solar PV market has shifted demand away from product portfolios consisting of one-size-fits-all solutions to those featuring more sophisticated and customized solutions. Since the enactment of China’s 531 Pol...  more
Market Share of Electric Scooter in Taiwan to Reach 10% in 2019 |
published: 2018-10-18 10:22 |
According to EnergyTrend, a division of TrendForce, eased oil prices and sliding xEV battery costs may drive Taiwan’s fledgling electric scooter market. Taiwan is expected to have 78000 electric scooters in 2018, taking a share of...  more
Consolidation and Capacity Cut in Solar Industry Expected Due to Gradual Phase-Out of Subsidies Worldwide, Says TrendForce |
published: 2018-10-17 10:12 |
EnergyTrend, a division of TrendForce, reports that some countries are planning or have started phasing out their solar subsidy programs as the global solar photovoltaic (PV) industry and market show stability in their deve...  more
NSP Tops PV Module Shipment Ranking in Taiwan for 1H18 |
published: 2018-10-04 15:32 |
According to the Solar Powering Taiwan: Special Report by EnergyTrend, the Capex of PV power systems has been decreasing, due to the drop in module prices caused by massive PV installations. In 1H18, the system costs of PV project...  more
Will Taiwan meet its 20 GW solar goal by 2025? |
published: 2018-09-13 15:40 |
By 2025, Taiwan aims to reach a cumulative installed solar PV capacity of 20 GW. However, by mid-2018, just 11.2% of thisgoal had been met. TrendForce analyst, Rhea Tsao, examines the situation and discusses what needs to be done ...  more
Foreign PV Modules Continue to Gain Market Share in Japan Where Most Popular Products Are Conventional Multi-Si and High-Efficiency Mono-Si |
published: 2018-09-11 18:25 |
Due to their aggressive overseas expansion efforts, Chinese manufacturers of solar products in the recent years have raised their market shares in many countries worldwide. Even the relatively closed market of Japan has seen a gra...  more