
Low Efficiency and High Cost Blocks Solar-Panel Road

published: 2018-10-08 11:46
Among mushrooming PV power devices, a result of dropping cost, an innovative option is solar panel-covered streets or highways, which can not only generate power and melt snow but also charge cars traveling on them, but tec...  more

Annual PV Power Output in Tainan Tops 870 M. kWh

published: 2018-10-05 10:08
Tainan City has become a PV power vanguard in Taiwan, with installation capacity reaching 677 MW as of the end of Aug. and annual output expected at 870 million kWh, reported the Economic Development Bureau, Tainan City Gov...  more

New Perovskite-GIGS PV Cell Boasts 24.6% Conversion Rate

published: 2018-09-28 10:34
Another breakthrough has been made for perovskite-GIGS PV cell, as the Imec, an Belgian laboratory, has succeeded in boosting its conversion rate to 24.6%, breaking the previous record of 22.4% just unveiled by UCLA earlier...  more