
India to Impose 40% Heavy Solar Duty on Modules Starting from April 2022

published: 2021-03-25 9:30
The ratio of imported solar remains obstinately high for India, and the government is highly concerned about the progress in the local industry chain; thus, it decided to implement heavy duty to provide assistance for the local industry. The Government of India recently announced that the highest duty for imported solar panels will be 40% starting from April 2022, and the particular motion has already been approved by the Ministry of Finance. ...  more

German Government Pays EU€2.9 Billion to Compensate for the Early Decommissioning of Nuclear Power in 2022

published: 2021-03-25 9:30
Germany decided to advance the termination of nuclear power from 2036 to 2022 after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in 2011, and has paid a substantial compensation for the implementation. The government agreed on the 5th to be paying EU€2.9 billion to compensate Swedish power company Vattenfall, as well as Germany power and natural gas suppliers RWE, EnBW, and Eon, who are forced to shut down their nuclear power plants in advance. ...  more

Hawaii Exceeded 30% in Power Generation through Renewable Energy in 2020

published: 2021-03-24 9:30
Being the state with the most expensive energy due to the dependency on imported fuels in the past, Hawaii had long begun implementing renewable energy in order to achieve autonomous provision of energy and a reduction in energy expenditure, and even proposed the target of adopting 100% renewable energy by 2045 during 2015 under the increasing popularity of green energy, which although derived a substantial amount of doubts back then, is now steadily accomplished. ...  more

Solar Philippines Begins the Development of a 2GW PV Project in Batangas

published: 2021-03-24 9:30
Solar Philippines Biga Corporation, a subsidiary of Solar Philippines Power Project Holdings, has announced that it has secured a contract from the Department of Energy of Philippines to initiate the development of a 2GW PV project in Nasugbu, a municipality in the province of Batangas. ...  more

Taiwan Offshore Wind Industry Association Established to Create an Industry-Government-Academia Communication Platform

published: 2021-03-23 9:30
The Bureau of Energy, MOEA, is expected to announce the rules and site proposals for the third phase of offshore wind power that is block development at the end of March, and the Taiwan Offshore Wind Industry Association has proposed three major recommendations regarding the new rules, including the provision of a robust investment environment, the incorporation of the selection experience into the development and stipulation of flexible policy, as well as the encouragement on new technology and investment on innovative technology such as floating offshore wind power. ...  more

Singapore Hit with a Predicament in the Development of Floating Solar

published: 2021-03-22 9:30
Singapore merely occupies 728.3km² in land area, which is equivalent to the size of two and a half Taipei Cities or half of Los Angeles. As it is a relatively small country, the first issue that is likely to be talked about when it comes to developing renewable energy in the region is, are there enough locations for generating green electricity? As surprising as this may sound, the answer is actually yes. Not only does Singapore currently have the available resources for developing green energy, but it is also planning to use these resources to establish the largest floating solar power plant in Southeast Asia. ...  more

GCL-Poly Announces Breakthroughs in Development of FBR Process for Production of Granular Polysilicon

published: 2021-03-22 9:30
Chinese polysilicon supplier GCL-Poly announced in early March that it has made significant breakthroughs in the development of its FBR process. GCL-Poly has built a production line specifically for the manufacturing of granular polysilicon. It has a production capacity of 10,000MT, and the quality of its granular polysilicon has been verified by clients in the downstream section of the supply chain. GCL-Poly said there are notable improvements in the key indicators of the quality standard. ...  more