
Solar Power Coming to Iraq, Replacing Fossil Fuel-powered Irrigation Motors

published: 2022-03-10 9:30
  The impression of solar energy generally is that it is the purview of advanced countries in Europe and the United States. Although desert countries such as Chile are also famous for solar energy, the development of solar energy in third world countries that are prone to war and chaos seems to be disconnected. However, even in war-torn Iraq, solar energy has gradually sprouted. ...  more

303 Blackout Review Report, Wang Mei-hua: Move Towards a Decentralized Power Grid

published: 2022-03-10 9:30
The 303 power outage in Taiwan occurred last week, causing a total of 5.49 million households to lose power. Wang Mei-hua went to the Economics Committee of the Legislative Yuan today (3/10) to report on and discuss the resilience of Taiwan's power grid, saying that decentralized power grids will be the focus of the next two years. ...  more

China to Expand Green Energy Scale by Installing 450GW of Solar and Wind Energy in Desert

published: 2022-03-10 9:30
China had arrived at an installed capacity of 895GW in renewable energy in 2020, which surpassed the total volume to that of the EU, US, and Australia, amidst annual increment. According to Reuters, the country is now planning for establishment of larger solar-wind hybrid power plants, and is expected to construct a 450GW renewable energy park at the desert. ...  more

Plan Has Been Unveiled for a “Hydrogen City” in Texas

published: 2022-03-10 9:30
US-based firm Green Hydrogen International (GHI) announced on March 3 that it is proposing to build the world’s largest green hydrogen production and storage base in southern Texas. The power supply of the base will comprise 60GW of wind and PV generation units as well as renewable electricity from the ERCOT grid. Once in operation, the base is expected to output as much as 2.5 billion kg of hydrogen gas per year. ...  more

UK Government Awards Funding to 24 Energy Storage Projects for First Phase of LODES Competition

published: 2022-03-10 9:30
The UK’s Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) announced in late February that it has allocated GBP 6.7 million in funding to support the development of 24 projects under the first phase of its Longer Duration Energy Storage Demonstration Competition (LODES Competition). BEIS launched the competition last year as another initiative to accelerate the country’s energy transition process and foster the domestic development of energy storage technologies. ...  more

Glennmont Acquires 161MW PV Portfolio in Spain

published: 2022-03-10 9:30
Glennmont Partners announced on March 1 that it has extended its pipeline of PV projects in Spain by acquiring a 161MW portfolio from Grupotec. Based in the UK, Glennmont is an investment fund that specializes in alternative energy projects. It became a subsidiary of US-based asset managing firm Nuveen last year. As for Grupotec, it is a Spanish EPC firm with 14 years of experience and 1.2GW of generation capacity installed. ...  more

New Milestone in Green Energy, Issuance of Renewable Energy Certificates Exceed One Million

published: 2022-03-09 9:30
Since the first certificate issued by the National Renewable Energy Certification Center of the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection, MOEA, the number of issued renewable energy certificates (T-RECs) has exceeded one million up to February of this year, equaling approximately 1.06 billion kWh of green electricity, and approximately 534,000 metric tons of reduced carbon. ...  more