
Apple Might Need to Finalize the Selection of Apple Car's Major Contract Manufacturer Before October; Magna Is the Most Likely Candidate, Says Analyst

published: 2022-05-19 9:30
Foxconn announced the purchase of its first electric vehicle production base in North America on May 12th. The announcement had led some market observers to believe that it will become Apple’s main manufacturing partner for the long-rumored Apple Car. However, an anonymous analyst has recently argued that the Austrian automotive contract manufacturer, Magna Steyr, is actually the more likely candidate due to its rich car-making experiences for auto brands. ...  more

Sea of Galilee Drying Up Due to Extreme Weather, Israel Plans Refill from Desalination Pipeline

published: 2022-05-19 9:30
The Bible says that Moses led the Jewish people to a land flowing with milk and honey. In the 20th century, the Jews decided to establish a country in the old land of their homeland. However, the land of Israel is not a land flowing with milk and honey but a dry land that lacks even water sources. Thus,deserts and water sources have become important national security issues. ...  more

Penso Power and Luminous Energy Receive Planning Approval for a Major Energy Storage Project in Warwickshire

published: 2022-05-19 9:30
Welbar Energy Storage, a joint venture of Penso Power and Luminous Energy, has obtained full planning approval for an energy storage project in the UK. Known as the Hams Hall project, it will be sited in North Warwickshire, a district within the county of Warwickshire. The news was first announced by Penso Power on May 4 and later reported by other renewable energy news outlets. ...  more

Australian Scientists Plan to Use Printed Solar Cells to Power Tesla 15,000km

published: 2022-05-19 9:30
About half of human energy is used for transportation and most vehicles still use gasoline and diesel. To achieve complete carbon reduction, it is necessary to electrify vehicles and use green energy as a power source. However, the biggest concern of consumers about electric vehicles is the issue of battery life. Even though the Tesla Model 3 and Model X both claim a cruising range of 579.3 kilometers, many people still fear that an electric car will run out of electricity halfway through a trip. ...  more

Better Than Graphene, Capturing Solar Heat with Waming Culprit "Soot"

published: 2022-05-18 9:30
In addition to being used in home heating and electric water heaters, solar thermal energy can also be used for power generation and seawater desalination. Now scientists have also found more effective solar thermal energy absorbing materials using "soot," one of the culprits of global warming, to reduce production costs and create a device that is better than graphene and carbon nanotubes. ...  more