
NexPower: 160W Thin Film Modules UL & CEC Registered

published: 2012-08-06 17:22
The Taiwan based thin film manufacturer, NexPower Technology Corporation, recently set a world record by having its 160W thin film modules both UL and CEC registered. 160W is so far the world largest nominal power for a single thi...  more

Western Wind Sales Update

published: 2012-08-06 15:36
Western Wind Energy Corp. (Toronto Venture Exchange -- "WND") (OTCQX -- "WNDEF") wishes to announce that meetings in and from Vancouver with three (3) large US electric utilities were successful and will be moving to advanced disc...  more

LDK Solar Regretfully Announces the Passing of Professor Cui

published: 2012-08-06 15:31
LDK Solar Co., Ltd. ("LDK Solar") (NYSE: LDK), a leading vertically integrated manufacturer of photovoltaic (PV) products, has announced that Professor Rongqiang Cui, Director of LDK Solar’s Laboratory at Shanghai Jiaotong Univers...  more